09 November 2010

just discovered: wonderful resource for raising veg kids!

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I found the Boston Vegetarian Society page by way of VeganYumYum's blog post about the society's annual food festival, which I just missed, sadly.  I would have flown cross-country to hit up those festivities in a heartbeat!

I'm a sucker for a well-organized melting pot of resourceful info when I am learning about a new field of interest, and this site does not disappoint.  There are book rec's categorized by age-appropriateness, and several helpful vegetarian and vegan site links.  I'm interested in checking out The Teen's Vegetarian Cookbook for my teenage vegetarian sister {Christmas is rapidly approaching!}, and the vegan pregnancy books and sites recommended on the society's page.  My sister is the only vegetarian in her house, and her mom doesn't cook much {she's my half-sister for those of you with the confused Cocker Spaniel head tilt}, so I think this book would be great for her.
vegan burgers for lunch
Another book that looks promising in the Vegan Lunch Box, with over a hundred ideas for animal-free lunches.  This book keeps both adults and kids in mind, and their photography is adorable.     

The society's website is bursting with information, not just on raising veg kiddies.  I just found my new cyberobsession for the week...

Let me know what you think of the site, and what you learned.  I am sure this is not the last time I am going to refer to this site.

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