27 October 2010

makeup links

I have been MIA from Blogland as of late, planning and prepping for our annual Halloween party, which is this Friday. I've got some vegan treats on the menu that I promise to share afterward.  In the meantime, I wanted to share some fun links I've come across in the past week or so. 

Cassi shares her story...no, I'm not writing in the third person

Gas is not only a natural part of life, it is definitely part of a plant-based diet...all those beans...one natural cure: peppermint tea

Find other vegans in your area...become friends...swap ideas + stories...meetup! I did.

Sixteen miles is not too far to drive for an all-vegan-menu...might not make the round-trip during my short lunch hour though

This dude knows his stuff...a really great resource, especially for us beginners

Halloween is by far my favorite time of year.  Gabriel and I go all-out: DIY decorations, costumes, party menu, gifts + favors, etc.  DIY is so much more rewarding any way you look at it.

HaPpY HaLlOwEen, everyone!
Grubbing on some homemade kale chips while assembling the party favors...I promise to explain the TP rolls in the next post.

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